Camera in Excel - Awesome

Have you been through this Camera in MS Excel?Have you heard of this? If yes, that’s excellent. If no then read on…

Your MS Excel 2007 has a built in hidden camera. This camera may be used to capture the images of data in an excel sheet. You may shoot a chart, data, table, etc.

Click to enlarge

After selecting the Excel options:
Do the following
Step 1: Click customize. The customize window     
            will appear on the right.
Step 2: From the drop down box select 
            “Commands not in the ribbon”.
Step 3: Scroll down and select Camera
Step 4: Click Add tab.
Step 5: Check that camera appears in the list of 
            quick access toolbar list.
The steps are illustrated the image given below:

Click to enlarge

Once the camera is added to the quick access toolbar you will be able to see it on the top left corner of the screen. 

Now you are ready to use this excellent and dynamic tool in MS Excel.
Let’s see how we can use this tool.
In MS Excel whenever a table or a chart is made for Power point, reports, dashboards or any other presentation, then shots of such tables and charts are required.

Camera tool enables one to take the dynamic shots of these tables and charts. Dynamic here means that whenever you will change the data in excel table the previously stored shot of the table or chart in MS Excel will also change. Hence, whenever one requires the updated shots of tables and charts for presentations, one can copy and paste the updated shots/images from the excel file.
To take a shot of the table, take the following steps:

Click to enlarge

The shot given above in step 3 is a dynamic shot i.e. if the data given in the table on left changes, the shot/image will automatically change.  For example, if John’s age is changed to 25, the data in the shot will change automatically.
The same applies to charts also. Shot of the chart once taken changes simultaneously with the change in the data table.
Look at the example given below:

Click to enlarge

Happy Learning!!
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